I've been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks. So, instead of writing a long blog post, I think I'll just leave a few things here that I've recently run across.
Stores are increasingly putting signs up about allergens. Not all of them are friendly.
This is from an album entitled "Guess What Mark Is Allergic To." His oh-so-helpful co-workers put these notes on food at work.
Someecards has a card for us now.
From Your Food Allergy Is Not My Problem.
Do you guys feel there's more or less of this kind of stuff happening now?
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Stores are increasingly putting signs up about allergens. Not all of them are friendly.
This is from an album entitled "Guess What Mark Is Allergic To." His oh-so-helpful co-workers put these notes on food at work.
Someecards has a card for us now.
From Your Food Allergy Is Not My Problem.
Do you guys feel there's more or less of this kind of stuff happening now?
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